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Psychological counseling
in the comfort of your own home

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Portreefoto, Psühholoog Ann-Marii Vilk

Pscyhologist Ann-Marii Vilk

I am a cum laude graduate of the University of Tartu with a master’s degree in psychology, specialising in psychological counseling.

In addition to Meelemuutus, I work as a junior lecturer at the University of Tartu, teaching basics of counseling and communication psychology to undergraduate students.

Previously I have worked as a volunteer counselor at portal for several years and I am also currently mentoring new counselors there.

Prior to founding Meelemuutus, I worked as a psychologist in private practice and in school, and as an activity supervisor in a psychiatric clinic, therefore I have a good overview of the possibilities and bottlenecks of different systems in the field of mental health.

Psychological counseling

Individual counseling can be helpful for mental health problems such as excessive anxiety, mood disorders, chronic stress and relationship problems, as well as for self-development. In counseling sessions we will work together to clarify the problem, set goals, and analyse your thoughts, beliefs and behaviours. Independent work outside the sessions is also important to reinforce the changes.

In my work I use techniques from behavioural-cognitive therapy and family therapy. I have taken courses in the field of motivational interviewing, sexual counseling, grief counseling, working with trauma and LGBT awareness.

The counseling fee is 75 euros. Payment is made after the consultation.

Lecturing and courses

The content of the training course or lecture depends on your needs. I can train online or on-site. I will tailor the training to your needs and wishes. In the past, I have trained high school students on mental health awareness and various disorders, equestrians on performance anxiety and at the university I teach subjects related to counseling and communication.

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